My Grape Escape (by Laura Bradbury)

In the depths of winter – it’s cold and wet here – what better read than a feel-good novel set in the warmer climes of Burgundy, France. Even better when the book was free. Amazon does have many free books to discover so daily newsletters from the likes of BookBub, Book Raider, and The Fussy Librarian can help narrow down the search.

My Grape Escape (by Laura Bradbury)Laura Bradbury is a new author for me, and she writes in the mould of Peter Mayle. Not Provence this time but instead the beautiful vineyards of Burgundy. She has an easy style and the travails in renovating a “bargain” are woven into the back story of the family move from England to France. She has an eclectic bunch of neighbours and workmen (work not always the operative word) who amuse, delight and terrify in equal measures. She takes the reader on a romantic adventure into the heart, soul, and people of la belle France. Filled with sunny skies, delicious food, love, and laughter.

The essence of the story: Laura has emerged from her final law exams at Oxford and intends to follow the well-trodden path of establishing a prestigious legal career in London. Her husband hails from a small village in Burgundy and they fall in love with a nearby cottage. Alas, the sale falls through after a disastrous decision to employ a rogue Notaire who sees a quick buck with rich clients! Eventually, they buy an eighteenth-century ruin near her husband’s village in Burgundy.

After a long and tortuous renovation, the story has a happy ending as Laura rekindles her love for Frank. Heart-warming, funny and a warning to others who dream of escaping to France.

More about Laura Bradbury

Laura has not had an easy life but she has used her talents to great effect. She has now published five books in the Grape Series – all bestsellers! Her forthcoming first novel is called “A Vineyard for Two” – a romance set in the Burgundy vineyards of an inheritance gone awry. Her husband manages the vacation rentals and helps countless guests enjoy the boundless pleasures of Burgundy. Visit her website to read her backstory.

Interview with Laura Bradbury

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