Behind Closed Doors (by B A Paris)

Great start to the New Year: discovering a new author – in this case, B A Paris – and available free on Prime Reading too. For those new to B A Parris, she is the internationally bestselling author of Behind Closed Doors, The Breakdown, Bring Me Back and The Dilemma. Sidebar: more about free books to read.

Behind Closed Doors (by B A Paris)This is a suspense thriller, and it is a cracker. Grace is full of confidence as a buyer for Harrods. She has a sister Millie with Downs Syndrome. Jack is a successful lawyer who has never lost a case. They meet in odd circumstances in a park. He immediately takes a liking to both Grace and Millie. A whirlwind romance ensues – they seem the perfect couple. They quickly marry but Millie breaks a leg in unusual circumstances at the wedding.

The honeymoon is a complete disaster as Jack’s personality changes overnight. She spends her honeymoon locked in a room whilst Jack disappears every day.

The couple return to a beautiful house in the UK but Jack controls Grace’s every move. If she disobeys sanctions are imposed. Jack is anxious to get Millie moved from a boarding school to the house but for what purpose? Grace loves her sister but is frightened for her future. Grace realises she has to do something and tries various escape plans but Jack has the foresight to block every move. The sanctions become more sinister. 

What can Grace do? There is a moral dilemma as she decides her options. Without revealing the outcome, there is suspense to the last page. If you are a lover of suspense novels, this is for you. You end up hating Jack but can you forgive Grace’s solution!!

B A Parris Bio

She has sold over a million copies in the UK alone. A New York Times bestseller as well as a Sunday Times bestseller! Her books have been translated into 40 languages. She has lived in France but recently returned to the UK.

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