A Dark so Deadly (by Stuart MacBride)

Stuart MacBride
A Dark so Deadly
Pub April 2017

This standalone crime thriller was the free monthly download on the myTimes website (subscription required). It depicts a dark community in Scotland. The hero is Callum a member of the “Misfit” Police squad. The leader of this motley crew is “Mother” who dolls out jelly babies to her favourites. Her second in command is dying from cancer and has a propensity to burst in verse (haikus), and dispenses harsh criticism to his minions. Callum’s squad partner is a black policewoman Rosalind who has a chip (more large baked potato size actually) on her shoulder. To make sure the squad is “PC” the team is complemented with a disabled person and a loner. Of course, they all have interesting backstories and personalities (made for TV?).

A Dark so Deadly (by Stuart MacBride)The main case involves a serial killer who likes to mummify his victims. Callum has a backstory of being brought up in a care home after his parents disappear. Late in the story, his mother’s head is discovered. As in all good thrillers, there are many twists and turns. The plot lacks however reality. What makes this novel enjoyable is the dialogue. The exchanges between the characters are often darkly funny. Of course, there is a romantic element especially after Callum separates from his girlfriend: namely, Callum / Rosalind will they won’t they?

An entertaining read but probably instantly forgettable.

More about Stuart MacBride

Stuart MacBride is a Scottish writer, most famous for his crime thrillers set in the “Granite City” of Aberdeen and featuring Detective Sergeant Logan McRae.

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