Dark and Sacred Story (by Michael Connelly)

I am an avid reader of Michael Connelly, and look forward to every new novel. It seems that Bosch is gradually taking a lower profile as he passes into retirement. Renee Ballard is the new focus, and although there is room for new plots for cold cases featuring Bosch and Ballard – perhaps Bosch is tiring and beginning to make mistakes?

Dark and Sacred Story (by Michael Connelly)This cold case investigates the death of fifteen-year-old Daisy Clayton, a runaway on the streets of Hollywood who was brutally murdered and her body left in a dumpster like so much trash. Bosch and Ballard join forces to solve the case.

Of course, there are now backstories for both Bosch and Ballard. Ballard’s back story is revealed across the novel, and there is a growing chemistry between them. Is this going to feature in future stories?

DARK SACRED NIGHT has been selected for Britain’s biggest book club – the Richard & Judy Book Club. It is a cracking story as you would expect from Connelly. Of course, Bosch is in conflict with his colleagues and superiors. In addition, he has the mother of Daisy living with him! So Bosch has an incentive to solve the case. There are many twists and turns as the investigation unfolds

As Stephen King says “A master of the genre.’

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