
Featured Books for your enjoyment

The Storyteller of Casablanca (by Fiona Valpy)

The Storyteller of Casablanca (by Fiona Valpy)

The story is twofold. Zoe in 2010, moves to Casablanca with her husband and baby daughter, Grace because of her husband’s job. She can feel her marriage flatlining and her life is crumbling. Then she finds a box hidden under a floorboard of the old house they have rented, which contains the journal of a young girl Josie ..

The Storyteller of Casablanca (by Fiona Valpy) Read More »

midnight library

Amazing: The Midnight Library (by Matt Haig)

The Midnight Library is a celebration of the imagination. Guaranteed to lift any thoughts of depression! A novel full of inspiration, warmth, philosophy and even quantum mechanics. Its breadth is amazing, awe-inspiring, and magical A story to reread when you are depressed or need a new direction. Yes, can you guess I liked it enormously?

Amazing: The Midnight Library (by Matt Haig) Read More »

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