tale of the nagging wife

The Diary of a Nagging Wife

tale of the nagging wifeIntroduction / Summary of The Diary of a Nagging Wife

A hilarious story of the ups and downs of an overtired and overworked mother, two needy children and an overbearing husband the perfect laugh-out-loud story.The diary of a nagging wife is a hilarious journey of the up’s and downs of the life of Annie a 39-year-old mother to a chatty toddler and a newborn, going from a high roller financial manager to being boggled down with two children is no easy picnic, throw in an overbearing obnoxious husband to the mix equals a disaster. Written in the form of a diary, join Annie as she begins to wonder whether there is more to life than swollen breasts and picking up her husbands dirty laundry from of the floor.

Extract from The Diary of a Nagging Wife

Matthew is such an adventurer. Before me and the kids he would often be found hiking some trail across Europe, or climbing some skyscraper mountain, now he settles for the occasional golf and camping sites, which unfortunately we are obliged to attend. I’m not one for pitching up a tent and walking in mud, but Isabelle loves it; she has her dad’s love for adventure, so she’ll be more than happy to help her father string bait onto the fishing rod, while I’m trying my very best not to gag from the pungent smell of fish guts. I strap Isabelle into her seat and we make our way out to Colchester, which means I have two hours to sit in the car listening to Isabelle repeat, ‘Are we there yet?’ every fifteen minutes, Joshua crying to get out of his car seat which he absolutely loathes plus Matthew ranting on about his new state of the art self-inflating sleeping bed.
‘I thought this was a self-inflating sleeping bed?’ I find myself saying to Matthew in anger as our state-of-the-art bed wasn’t self-inflating at all – in fact it was completely flat. ‘Well, that’s what it said on the packaging,’ he said, mumbling to himself whilst reading the instructions. 
‘What good is a sleeping bed if you can’t sleep in it,’ I moaned. 
‘Don’t have a go at me, I’m trying to fix it, aren’t I?’ 
‘I’m sorry,’ I said, ‘but I’m tired after the long drive and all the activities, all I want to do is lie down and sleep. Thank God the kids’ sleeping bags inflate.’ 
 ‘Well, it won’t take me long to figure it out if you will just stop nagging me for five minutes,’ said Matthew. 
I start digging down into the big duffel bag that I brought along with us for keeping all of our emergency supplies. I pull out a portable travel pump. 
‘Here,’ I said chucking it at him. ‘Use this instead.’ 
‘Ah,’ replied Matthew, and taking the pump of my hands, he starts to pump air furiously into the bed.
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