The Perfect Couple (by Jackie Kabler)

The Perfect Couple (by Jackie Kabler)

the perfect couple novelI have been on holiday in Portugal for a month – yes, lucky me! So perfect timing from Amazon for a free 3 month trial of Kindle Unlimited. Plenty of time to read a few books in the sun. Staying in Alvor there was time to read on the mile-long beach or laze in the shade at a beach or village bar with a book in hand. PS my favourite beach bar: Bar Quim on Meia Praia – great food and fab location. One of the lovely features of Kindle Unlimited is the many debut or less well-known authors featured. Jackie Kabler is such an example: The Perfect Couple: The gripping No.1 Kindle bestseller – a psychological crime thriller with a twist you won’t see coming! Just up my street and free.

Overview of The Perfect Couple

Goodreads introduces the book with this summary:

The perfect couple…or the perfect lie?

A year and a half ago, Gemma met the love of her life, Danny. Since then, their relationship has been like something out of a dream. But one Friday evening, Gemma returns home to find Danny is nowhere to be seen.

After two days with no word from her husband, Gemma turns to the police. She is horrified with what she discovers – a serial killer is on the loose in Bristol. When she sees the photos of the victims she is even more stunned…the victims all look just like Danny.

But, the detectives aren’t convinced by Gemma’s story. Why has no one apart from Gemma seen or heard from Danny in weeks? Why is there barely a trace of him in their flat? Is she telling them the truth, or are there more secrets and lies in this marriage than meets the eye?

Intriguing for sure and the book keeps you guessing till the end. It is a classic twisty thriller with new reveals at the end of each chapter encouraging you to read on. It is difficult to resist such a formula. Quite what is going on in this relationship? Who do you believe? Of course, the police investigation is incompetent and naive (but how many times in the news have we heard the same complaint??). Of course, you will develop your own theories as you read but you have to keep revising them! The main characters are well-drawn and you feel for Gemma’s desperate situation. In the end, it is difficult to decide whether Gemma was gullible or Danny, in a strange way, was trying to find a solution to a big problem!

The Perfect Couple is an original twisty thriller that is at the top of its genre. Give it a try for a holiday read.

Yes; Jackie has written other psychological thrillers such as The Happy Family and Am I Guilty. Discover more thrillers on her website.

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Jackie Kabler

Jackie Kabler is a television presenter and crime writer. Her bestselling psychological thrillers have sold more than half a million copies and been translated into seven languages. They include Am I Guilty?, The Perfect Couple and The Happy Family. 

NB. The Perfect Couple on Netflix is NOT an adaptation of the book.


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