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The Sunday Philosophy Club (by Alexander McCall Smith)

The Sunday Philosophy Club
by Alexander McCall Smith
Pub Date 07 Feb 2013

I have read many of his books especially enjoying his No 1  Ladies Detective Agency based in Botswana. He is a great speaker and if you have the chance to see him at a Book Festival then book up! However …

q? encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=GB&ASIN=0349139415&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format= SL250 &tag=rdrstr 21ir?t=rdrstr 21&l=am2&o=2&a=0349139415Where was the Philosopher Club described in the title? We never attended a meeting but we got lots of social content, mores and philosophical conundrums. The book felt at times that the “crime” story was secondary to the philosophical content. The story meanders along pleasantly enough with plenty of believable characters and twists in the tale. The ending was rather sudden and seemed incomplete. Very disappointing!



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More about Alexander McCall Smith

Alexander McCall Smith, often referred to as ‘Sandy’, is one of the world’s most prolific and best-loved authors. For many years he was a professor of Medical Law and worked in universities in the UK and abroad before turning his hand to writing fiction. He has written and contributed to more than 100 books including specialist academic titles, short story collections, and a number of immensely popular children’s books.

Alexander McCall Smith in conversation

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